Words of wisdom: And after the earthquake a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice. 1kings 19:12.
Life point: Hearing God’s still, small voice! Years ago. I was fascinated to learn that some horses have what their trainers call a “reining ear“.
While most horses are guided and led by a strap fastened to the bit in their mouth, some horses keep one ear turned to their master’s voice. One ear is open for natural warnings, the other is sensitive to the trusted trainer.
Elijah needed to hear from God, and thankfully he had a reining ear toward God even though his circumstances had frightened him. He had experienced tremendous victory but afterwards, he ran for his life, hid in a cave and prayed to God to die.
Knowing Elijah’s need, God taught Elijah a wonderful lesson about what His voice sounds like. As Elijah waited on God, He demonstrated His power through wind, earthquake and fire.
But God was not in those things, instead, He spoke to Elijah in a still small voice and gave instructions for Elijah’s next mission. Later in this chapter, you will see that Elijah obeyed the still small voice of the Lord.
Elijah’s story helps us to understand how to hear God when we need direction. God did not reassure Elijah with a showy, flashy manifestation of power, although He had already proven that He was capable of doing so. Instead, God spoke to His prophet through a still small voice.. and He still chooses to communicate directly to His children through a whisper deep within their spirits.
The Bible teaches us that God is a spiritual Being, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth (John 2:24).
Jesus explained that some people do not hear the voice of God because they do not believe Him and thus do not have His Word living in their hearts (John 5:37-40).
He taught us that we must be born again in order to hear God’s voice. You must all be born anew from above.
When we are born again, we are made alive in our spirits to be sensitive to the voice of God.
We hear His whisper even though we cannot tell where it comes from. Our ears become tuned in to hear our Master’s voice. He whispers to convict, correct, and direct us by a still, small voice deep within our hearts!
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God Amen!
Prayer: Lord help me to hear Your voice and to obey You in Jesus NAME!