I know your works, you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot. Revelation 3:15.
Life point: God wants us to serve Him enthusiastically and wholeheartedly. He does not appreciate any halfhearted effort.
The scripture above warns us against being lukewarm and teaches us that being neither hot nor cold is not acceptable to God. Actually, He would prefer that we be cold toward Him rather than lukewarm. His desire is that we be red hot, on fire, stirred up and excited about Him, His Word, His principles, and His will for our lives.
Why would God rather someone be cold than lukewarm? It seems that lukewarm is better than nothing. I believe it is because lukewarm people are easily deceived into thinking they are doing what they should be doing when in fact they are not.
They are offering sacrifices not wholehearted obedience. For instance, they might go to church as an obligation but in reality they do not want to be there at all.
However when a person is totally cold toward God at least they know it and can be dealt with more easily than someone who is deceived.
As far as am concerned life is not worth living at all if Jesus Christ is not the center of it. Sadly many people waste most of their lives before they realize this is true, some never do.
God never does anything halfway and we should not either. Whatever your task may be, work at it heartily as something for the Lord.
The first and principal commandment of God is that we love Him with our whole heart, soul and mind. If we do that He will be honored and we will be very fulfilled and blessed. Never lag in zeal and in the earnest endeavour, be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord (see Romans 12:1).
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to be on fire for the Lord to fulfil my destiny in Jesus name!
Holy Spirit help me always Amen 🙏🏻
May the grace of God be with us.