Words of wisdom: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.
Life point: Waiting on God is expecting, looking for, and hoping in Him. It is spending time with Him in His Word and in His presence.
We do not worry while we wait on God, we do not get frustrated while we wait on God, we do not get upset while we wait on God. We rest!
Sometimes when you start to get nervous and upset, anxious, or worried, you just need to tell yourself, “sit down and relax” speak.
That does not mean just your physical body, it also means your soul- your mind, will and emotions. It is important to let your entire being rest.
We are living in a new covenant based on the work Jesus has accomplished, not on our own merits or works.
If you are struggling in your life child of God, take a seat and rest in God’s presence.
The promise of God’s peace is not made to those who work and struggle in their own strength but to those who sit and rest in Christ Jesus. I encourage you to wait on Him and your strength will be renewed!
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.
Prayers: I receive great grace to wait and rest in the Lord.
2) I refuse to run ahead of God in the rest of the journey of my life.
3)The great blessings for patiently waiting on the Lord manifest fully in my life in Jesus name.
Lord give me the patience to wait on you. Amen 🙏🏻