And he bowed himself and said, what is your servant, that you should look upon such a dead dog as I am? 2 Samuel 9:8
Life point: Mephibosheth had a poor self image, a dead dog. He did not think very well of himself.
A poor self image causes us to operate in fear instead of faith. We look at what is wrong with us instead of what is right with Jesus. He has taken our wrongness and given us His righteousness.
The Word of God declares because of His covenant with you, you can be the head and not the tail.
In covenant we offer God what we have, and He gives us what He has.
He takes all of our sins , faults, weaknesses and failures and gives us His ability, His righteousness , and His strength. He takes our poverty and gives us His riches.
He takes our diseases and sicknesses and gives us His healing and health. He takes our messed up, failure filled pasts and gives us the hope of bright futures.
In ourselves we are nothing, our own righteousness is like filthy rags or a polluted garment ( Isaiah64:6).
But in Christ we have a future. We are in covenant with Almighty God. What an awesome truth!
Prayers: Lord Jesus draw me close to You.
2. Holy Spirit renew my mind in Your righteousness and let Your light shine in my life in Jesus Mighty name Amen.
Many cannot phantom how God loves mankind the psalmist said what is man that you are so mindful of him.Give your life to Christ today in appreciation of God’s love towards you