When he has brought his own sheep outside, he walks on before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. John 10:4.
Life point: People ask “How can I be sure I am hearing from God?” As believers, hearing God speak to us is our right and our privilege.
The Word says that we can know His voice and distinguish it from others. He gives us discernment to identify His voice-over voices of deception. He parallels this discernment with the instinctive nature of sheep that recognize the voice of their shepherd.
We can discern the difference between God’s voice and the voice of deception if we truly know God’s character, nature, and the history of how He has led others before us.
We will know that what He has said does not contradict His Word, wisdom, or common sense. Then we can have confidence that we are following God’s direction, whether He is leading us to go forward or telling us to wait.
To hear God and avoid the spirit of error. It is important to look into God’s Word and spend time with Him there. The more we study and learn the Word, the more we will let its power flow through our lives, and the better we will be able to hear, discern and obey God’s voice! Child of God I encourage you to make this vital decision to hear from God in your daily engagements and surely you will be glad you did. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!
Prayers: Holy Spirit fills me with the spirit of discernment. Lord help me to grow in Your knowledge to bear fruits of righteousness. Heavenly Father give me a patient heart to wait on You in Jesus name!
Holy Spirit help me grow in knowledge and give me a patient heart to wait on you and hear from you Amen 🙏🏻