Words of wisdom: But He knows the way that I take. When He has tried me I shall come forth as refined gold. Job23:10
Life point: All-knowing God!
One of the tests we can expect to encounter in our journey with God is the trust test. Like Job, we must learn to trust God when we do not understand what is going on in our lives.
How many times do we say to God, What are You doing? What is going on in my life? I don’t understand this at all. At this point, many people get confused and give up or fail.
If you are in a place now where nothing in your life makes any sense, trust God anyway. Say to yourself, This must be a test.
One of the things I have learned through the years is this: There is no such thing as trusting God without unanswered questions. If we have all the answers to all the questions, we have no need to trust because we already know everything.
As long as God is training us to trust, there are always going to be things in our lives we simply do not understand. That is why we have to learn to say “God, I don’t understand, but I trust you “.
Sometimes I start to get frustrated and feel like saying “ Tell me something, Lord”. But I have learned that if He doesn’t tell me anything I need to stay busy doing the last thing He told me to do, whatever it was, and just keep trusting Him.
Without trusting God, our lives are miserable. In this new month of September child of God learn to trust God when you do not understand and when heaven is silent. For the vision is for the appointed time, neither is the race to the swift but of God that shows mercy.
Prayers: Lord in the journey of this month of September, I receive supernatural grace and mercy to walk in complete obedience and total trust in You. Amen.