Word of wisdom: I believed therefore have I spoken. I am greatly afflicted. Psalm 116:10.
Life point: When we speak what we believe, as the psalmist did in the scripture above, we are making a confession!
I recommend having a list of confessions, statements, or declarations that can be backed by the Word of God, things that you speak aloud over your life, your family, your circumstances, and your future. You can find a list of confessions in the Bible.
Before learning to confess God’s Word I was terribly negative. I was a Christian and active in church work. I tithed and attended church regularly but I did not know that I could do anything about any of my circumstances. God began teaching me that I should not think and say negative things. I felt He told me He could not work in my life until I stopped being so negative. I obeyed, and I became happier.
After some time had elapsed I felt that my circumstances had not improved significantly. I asked the Lord about it, and He said, “You have stopped speaking negatively but you are not saying anything positive”. That was my first lesson in “calling those things which are not as if they were” Romans 4:17. God was teaching me Himself and it proved to be one of the major breakthroughs in my life. He showed me that confessing God’s Word helps establish His life-giving truths in our hearts.
I made a list of the things that I had been learning that were rightfully mine according to the Word of God. I had scriptures to support them. I confessed those truths aloud. I was declaring the Word of God and speaking it into the atmosphere I lived in.
I can look at my list now and I am absolutely amazed at how many of the things have come to pass, and how impossible they seemed naturally at the time.
I encourage you child of God to make your own list, tailored to your situation. As you begin to confess God’s Word, you will notice major changes in your life!
All glory to the Lamb of God!
Prayer: Holy Spirit saturate my mind to live and speak Your Word to my life and circumstances!