So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel, and he bowed himself upon the earth and put his face between his knees. 1 kings 18:42
Life point: Worship before the rain!
After announcing to Ahab what was going to happen.. the rain was coming.. Elijah went to the top of Mount Carmel. There he got down on his knees with his forehead on the ground. Can you just imagine and see him In that position of worship? Elijah sent his servant to run back several times to see if it was starting to rain.
Seven times his servant came back with a bad report, but Elijah did not get out of his worship position. Imagine how Elijah must have felt every time the report came back that nothing was happening! But each time Elijah just said, “Go again “. Despite the repeated negative reports, Elijah never gave up. He stayed right where he was, worshipping God.
Worship strengthens our faith. Doubt could have caused Elijah to give up, but his worship kept him strong. Romans 4 tells us about another person in the Bible who had absolutely no human reason to hope.
Doubt and unbelief came against Abraham but did not defeat him, he became strong as he gave praise and glory to God. Child of God if praise and worship worked for Abraham and Elijah it will work for us also.
Elijah’s servant could have been saying to him, Elijah you must have missed God this time because nothing is happening, there is not even a cloud out there. But each time Elijah refused to give up!
Finally, Elijah’s servant came back and reported that he saw a cloud as small as a man’s hand. At that word, Elijah came up shouting “ Hallelujah! Go tell Ahab to hurry home and seek shelter because it’s beginning to rain.
When you worship God, He will send the rain of His Spirit upon you and it shall drown all the “Ahabs” and all the other resistances in your life. Take your position and praise the Lord, worshipping before it begins to “rain “in your life!
Prayer: Lord give me the grace to persevere in my walk with you to fulfil Your purpose for my life in Jesus mighty name Amen!
Pastor Meso, your message indeed MEAT IN DUE SEASON. thank you so much for this encouraging and enriching message.
The Lord Almighty God bless and expand your ministry