Word of wisdom: Blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord. Psalm 119:1
Life point: Part of the reason many people backslide during tough times is that they have never learned how to speak in accordance with God’s will.
A trial is discouraging enough in itself, without adding insult to injury by depressing ourselves through negative speech.
That is why we must learn to align our conversation with God’s word.
When you find yourself in a time of trial, try not to simply focus on where you are right now and what is happening to you at the moment, but see yourself and your circumstances through the eyes of faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Our Deliver !
You may feel as though you are out in the middle of an ocean with a storm raging around you, but child of God you will surely get to the other side and there are blessings waiting for you there, so do not jump over board.
I encourage you to learn as the Psalmist did to order your conversation and conduct in accordance with God’s plan and you will be blessed when you do!
Friends Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega! He is at the door of your heart knocking! Open and receive Him as your Lord and Savior. The next minute might be too late.
God bless you as you do ! Glory to the Lamb of God.
Prayer: Lord prepare me a sanctuary pure and holy to love and to serve You!