Word of wisdom: Samuel said, Has the Lord as great a delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 1Samuel 15:22
Life point: How many of God’s children fail to reign as kings in life because they substitute what God really requires with what they think He wants?
When faced with a point of obedience, it is dangerous for us to say, I think this or I want that. Rather we need to ask God , what do You want me to do? and be obedient to what He says .
If Jesus is not Lord of all , then He is not our Lord at all. He may be our Savior but not our Lord and Master.
Is important to learn that obedience is not true obedience unless it is complete. The Lord is very clear about obedience. He says it is rebellion and that rebellion is like witchcraft.
You may think your ideas are better than God’s, but He calls this attitude stubbornness and says it’s equivalent to idolatry. Why idolatry? Because you are idolizing own ideas, exalting them over God’s command.
Saul rebelled and lost opportunity to be king. You wander how many people think they are obeying God when actually they are offering Him an unacceptable sacrifice.
Those same people live miserable and unfulfilled lives and often blame God for what really is their own doing.
God requires prompt, complete obedience, nothing less is acceptable. We may feel that some of the things He asks us to do are too hard, but we must remember that He promises to give us grace to do whatever He asks of us, we need only to be willing.
Child of God I encourage you, let God take His rightful place in your life, which is first place in everything!
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God Amen!
Prayer: Lord, give me obedient heart and a humble spirit to love and to serve You faithfully in Jesus Mighty name.