Word of wisdom: So now proclaim in the ears of the men saying, whoever is fearful and trembling, let him turn back and depart from mount Gilead. And 22,000 of the men returned but 10,000 remained. Judges 7:3
Life point: As believers we are not to be self-confident but God-confident as we journey through 2024, and that type of confidence comes only by the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says repeatedly that we are not supposed to have confidence in our selves. Instead we are to have confidence in God , that He will work mightily through us just as He did through Gidieon .
The Lord instructed Gidieon to tell the men who were fearful to turn around and go home, twenty two thousand of them left, leaving ten thousand behind to face the enemy. That tells us there were more men who were afraid than were courageous.
How many times does God put something on our hearts to do, but then we cower when fear comes along causing us to hesitate and become double-minded ?
In this circumstance, we may feel fear, but we can do things afraid.
Remember God’s Word to us is “Fear not, for I am with you “ when fear knocks on your door let Faith answer!
Prayer: Lord, increase my faith to rule over fear in Jesus mighty name !