Chris Steven, Abuja
The Christian Association of Nigeria(CAN) has rejoiced and congratulated Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on her appointment as the Director General of World Trade Organization (WTO).
“Your appointment is a giant stride for all women all over the world, being the first time a woman is so appointed. It is much more a giant stride and rare achievement for African women in particular,” Samson Ayokunle, CAN president said in a statement on Tuesday.
“Your appointment is a pride to the black race all over the world and a greater pride to Nigeria, your home country which you had served so well before with utmost integrity. Your appointment has demonstrated that with God all things are possible. ”
Ayokunle noted that the initial snare to her appointment was broken by God who rules in the affairs of men.
“Power and promotion belong to God. Yours is a lesson for us all to be our best and that at the fullness of time, no opposition can stand our elevation,” he said.
“God has blessed our country with great human resources any country can be proud of and we are happy that some of them are now playing global roles to the glory of God.”
“Our dear Sister, we urge you to lead the WTO with impeccability like Daniel did (Daniel 6) in Babylon so that the footprint of WTO might be positively felt in all countries of the world as it was never felt before.”
“With your antecedents, professionalism, commitment, focus, determination and dedication to duty, with God on your side, we have no doubt that you will succeed in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”