Words of wisdom: And having said this, He breathed on them and said to them receive the HolySpirit. John 20:22
Life point
Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit.
I believe the number one rule in forgiving sins is to do as Jesus commanded in the scripture above and receive the Holy Spirit , who provides the strength and ability to forgive.
Non of us can do that on our own.
I believe when Jesus breathed on the disciples and they received the Holy Spirit they were born again at that very moment.
The next thing He said to them was whatever sin they forgave was forgiven and whatever sin they retained were retained. John20:23
The forgiving of sins seems to be the first power conferred upon people when they are born again .
If that is so, then the forgiving of sin is our first duty as believers. Although we have to forgive sins, it’s not always easy to forgive sins.
Whenever someone does something to me I need to forgive, I pray Holy Spirit , breathe on me and give me the strength to forgive this person.
I do that because my emotions are screaming inside of me. You have hurt me… and that’s not fair.
At that point I have to remember to let go and allow the God of justice to work out everything.
I have to remind myself that my job is to pray. His job is to be my vindicator. When we trust God He always make wrong things right in due time.
When someone does something hurtful to you, go to the Lord and receive from Him the strength to place your will on the alter and say, Lord, I forgive this person.
I loose him, I let him go. Once you have done that, let it drop. Don’t think or talk about it anymore.
Heavenly Father give me the grace to be obedient to your Word always.