Words of wisdom: The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. Luke18:11
Life point:
Pride is a difficult problem for us to deal with because it hides. It deceives us and causes us to think we do not have it. It hides in our thinking, in the deepest recesses of our minds. It will not admit it is present because it is too proud to do so.
That scripture describes somebody who was full of pride, and I doubt he even realized it. He was a religious leader who looked down on a tax collector he considered to be lowly and unworthy of God.
If we are not careful, the spirit of pride can deceive us in that same way.
Satan wants our minds and attitudes to be filled with pride so he can bring destruction into our lives.
God hates pride! Pride is a hideous monster that prevents us from asking for help. We want to be self-sufficient and independent.
However, God created us in such a way that although we do have strengths, we also have weaknesses and will always need help from Him in those areas. He knows how much we need help from Him in those areas. He knows how much we need Him, and He wants us to recognize our need for Him.
When we are proud, we do not acknowledge our need for Him and that keeps Him from blessing us and that is one of the reasons God hates pride.
Holy Spirit show me anywhere pride may be hiding in my life and help me to develop the humble attitude You want me to have in Jesus name!
Amen 🙏🏻