Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand and I will do all My pleasure and purpose. Isaiah 46:10
Life point: God knows the beginning from the end of all things.
He already knows what our thoughts are, and He already hears every word we will speak. He is acquainted with all our ways.
Sometimes we act as though God is shocked to discover that we make mistakes. We need to remember that He is not in heaven wringing His hands, saying “ oh, no ! I had no idea you would act like this way when I chose you!”
God has a big eraser, and He uses it to keep our records clear and clean. Even with His foreknowledge of our weaknesses and mistakes, He still chose us on purpose and brought us into relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ.
When you make a mistake, relax.
God knew long ago that you would do so and has provided full forgiveness for you through His Son.
He is able to declare in the beginning how things will turn out in the end.
The Word says the Lord is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is also everything in between.
He knows before trouble ever shows up that we can be victorious if we fight the battle His way.
His way is not a negative way, but a good and right way. God already has an answer before we have a problem .
The Word of God affirms that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us . I believe that means we can know we will win before the battle even begins.
Through Him we can see the end from the beginning, and we know that victory is sure.
Child of God I encourage you to be a prayer addict , do not wait until trouble comes before you begin to pray!
Prayer: Lord do not permit me to become a victim before I begin to seek You earnestly in prayer in Jesus Mighty name!