Yemi Adedeji, Abuja
The Ecuadorian government in partnership with the International Institute of Journalism (IIJ), Abuja has commenced plans to train journalism students and practicing journalists in Nigeria Spanish language.
The partnership is expected to promote cultures of both nations.
Leopoldo Verdesoto, Ambassador of Ecuador to Nigeria said that one of the ways through which nations could build relationship is through culture and language, hence, the need for the visit.
The pioneer Ecuadorian envoy, during a visit to the headquarters of IIJ, on Friday in Abuja said that the purpose of the visit was to discuss likely areas of partnership with the institute.
Verdesoto revealed that his intention to orientate the IIJ students was part of the budding relationship.
Eman Shehu, IIJ Executive Director, said that the responsibility lies with the institute to develop a proposal in that respect and to formalise the entire process.
He noted that once the training commences, a lot of people from outside the institute could benefit from it.
Sheu emphasised that beyond journalism students, practicing journalists would have similar opportunity to benefit from the training.
According to him, “the project will be free in the sense that they will fund the training if we meet some of his conditions. So we teach languages because it’s a criterion for journalists. We teach French already. We used to teach German. Eventually, it will be a very important step if we are able to get this going.
“So journalists who have to travel to Latin America will not be lost language wise,” Shehu added.